Food Processing

Advanced Solutions For Your Business Development

Food Processing Solutions

7CC Group provides consultancy services in “Food Processing” using products & services from “Microsoft Business Solutions” product suite.
Companies that manufacture products for the consumer market invest considerable resources to establish and maintain the integrity of their brands. For those engaged in the food industry this means bringing to market a product whose value can be both perceived and measured. Perceived brand value can encompass an understanding, by the consumer, of what the product is, how it looks on the shelf, how it tastes and how it is used. Measured brand value can be the investment made by the food company to establish the brand

Building a strong market position, one in which the consumer has a well recognized and positive association with the product, requires that the manufacturer exercise a great deal of control in the product’s components or ingredients and in the processes used to make it. A resource tracking and tracing system makes such control possible both in the context of a single plant and in a network of plants making the same product.

Products and services from Microsoft Business Solutions can help you stay competitive my managing traceability, product specification, and quality control more efficiently.

Provide Traceability to Customers and Authorities
Another major issue facing food manufacturers is the need to track the components in the food and the country of origin for each product. Labeling requirements are driving food companies to provide more information to the consumer about the composition of each product. This, in turn, drives a need for the manufacturer itself to obtain greater information about the product, including the ability to identify the country of origin for each of the components in the product. Tracking and tracing systems allow the manufacturer to accurately identify each of the components in the product, its batch or lot number and the information needed to meet the labeling and country of origin requirements.
Government guidelines are requiring food manufacturing companies to implement either systems or applications that allow them to meet the tracking and tracing regulations. Microsoft Business Solutions helps you provide customers and authorities with information about your products, such as ingredients, packaging, and traceable data. A software application can accurately store and report this information from the raw materials and packaging data provided by suppliers or from databases using your recipes.

Tracking and Tracing for Food Safety and Security
Tracking and tracing procedures and applications also assist food manufacturers in responding to product recall situations. Most major manufacturers have had a recall where a product that could be harmful to the general public has been distributed. In these situations, companies must use their best judgment to identify which products might be recalled. In cases where they have an issue with a raw material, they make a determination of which products may contain the material, and then expand the recall to ensure that none of the adulterated product is left on retail store shelves.